Umigame (Human Name Hiroto) is an Alien refugee who absolutely loves Japanese culture, especially monster movies. He gave himself the nick name Umigame after the giant turtle monster that fought Godzilla in all the monster movies because he looked like a turtle's head. Umigame fell to earth in 1963 when his starship was damaged during a meteor shower. He found himself on the outskirts of Japan on a quiet remote island. While he covets the strength of the Japanese monsters his powers lie in his magnificent intellect and ability to become invisible. The invisibility allows him to live undetected among us!!

Mask is super soft latex and has a moving mouth. Sculpted by Joe Somers.

Umigame (Human Name Hiroto) is an Alien refugee who absolutely loves Japanese culture, especially monster movies. He gave himself the nick name Umigame after the giant turtle monster that fought Godzilla in all the monster movies because he looked like a turtle's head. Umigame fell to earth in 1963 when his starship was damaged during a meteor shower. He found himself on the outskirts of Japan on a quiet remote island. While he covets the strength of the Japanese monsters his powers lie in his magnificent intellect and ability to become invisible. The invisibility allows him to live undetected among us!!

Mask is super soft latex and has a moving mouth. Sculpted by Joe Somers.

Sku: MM1004